⭐️IMPORTANT CHANGES to STAINSBY GRANGE JUNIORS MAY 12th 2024⭐️Bs have asked us to run the Discovery 2nd rd June 23rd so our schedule has changed as follows:
80cm open
Novice 2nd rd
115/120 handicap
Cats Pipes /SStones
Springboard 128/138
Heaths 128/138
Winter/Summer 128/138

Entries open www.horsevents.co.uk/stainsby till Friday 10.4.24 9pm or full.
Stainsby Grange
TS17 9AB
Good luck Paula & Janice


new 2023 Junior Sponsor






JM Equestrian has been established in the North East for a number of years now with a reputation for running reputable British Showjumping shows both at Junior and Senior level. Janice and Alan Mewse have dedicated their time to building that excellent reputation.


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Treacle - gone but never forgotten

Part of our family for 22 years 
Passed away peacefully 11/7/11


Max, you will always be remembered.